About me

I am passionate about Virtual Reality and its possibilities for higher education. I am a trained economist, but economists would call me an historian, historians would call me a philospher and philosphers would call me an economist. I guess they are all right. Eventually, I joined a business school.

VR offers me a new experimental lab to explore and exploit what has often been referred to as "a black box", something we cannot explain but perhaps with VR we can. 

I am fascinated by the pioneering climate that still surrounds VR in business and management, but fear this will soon change!


I received all of my own education in a traditional way: in classrooms listening and reproducing. Although there was much ado about 'critical thinking', not each and every professor supported creativity in the classroom. As an educator myself, I have always tried to find new approaches that would align with the learning experiences of my students. 

1987- 1991

PhD diploma in Economics,

Tinbergen Institute, Erasmus University Rotterdam

1981 - 1986

Masterdiploma in Economics,

Erasmus University Rotterdam

Awarded VR Projects 

Augustus 2021

SKEMA's Way of Immersive Realistic Learning

August, 2020

Virtual Traits: Understanding Visualization of Animated Management

March 2016

Impact of Signalling on Managerial Discretion: a VR application.

Academic positions

2019 - ..

Full Professor

SKEMA Center for Sustainability Studies | SKEMA Business School - Paris

2014 - 2019


Strategy and Leadership | Coventry University

2007 - 2018

NG Pierson Professor

University of Amsterdam/ Erasmus University Rotterdam